Tuesday, September 06, 2005


This morning Agent offspring and I took a stroll downtown in the mother city. Downtown is a hotbed of homeless activity during the pre-noon (and evening) hours.

This morning's mission had nothing to do with going out and 'rescuing' the homeless or anything like that. It's just that I have quite a few homeless friends from the old izzy days and it's hard to keep up with them unless I go find them and hang out.

I saw several unfamiliar homeless faces - and none of them seemed 'engagable' today. Just as we were heading back to the Millenium Falcon I see Momo heading my way with his new, late model buggy in hand. Good Lord, I miss Momo. If Abilene has a "most famous homeless guy" title, it should go to Momo. He's the kind of guy most people love to hate. Bulldogish & stout in appearance and a huge chip on his shoulder, Momo makes it his mission to get kicked out of every public place, business, private property, and ministry he can find. But I've experienced the softer side of Momo so I've learned that this tough-guy act is just a survival mechanism.

One of my MANY favorite Momo stories: he strolled by our apartment one day several years back (when we lived near the tracks). He came in and saw this 18"X24" drawing of my wife & I from our wedding day. It's really nice and an artist friend from AW's homeland made it. Momo asks, "Is that you and Agent Wife?"
"I figured. You know how I could tell?"
"Because it's ugly"
That's Momo...the charming one.

God, thank you for putting Momo in my path this morning. I really miss him. Please take care of him. - Agent B

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