Friday, September 30, 2005

for you new readers...

(in case there are any)

I added a brief description of 'Agent B' in the profile. After a month of blogging I've realized that each post is written with assumption that the reader has read all previous posts. Thus, certain lingo and aspects of my posts (mother city, CEO, my unidentified nature) go unexplained.

Hope this helps. Sorry for the shameless profile plug.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Agent B
I have been going through a very difficult season in my walk with the, as you say C.E.O. and one of the things that I feel most impressed from Him is Matt. 6:1-4
and Matt 23. I hope that I get it and don't have to pass this side of the mountain again. Very painful! My hope is in Him that can turn this for good in my life!
going around the mountain again