Thursday, September 29, 2005

The Moles

For me, conspiracy theories are fun. I enjoy listening to them and I enjoy conjuring them up. However, I avoid following them too seriously as it would probably be a colossal waste of time. Or I might learn 'too much' and become withdrawn from mankind. And my secret agent mission statement is silent on the issue of conspiracy theories. Thus, I resurrect my church-of-Christ roots and don't follow anything that wasn't originally stated (Ha). However, this same mission statement allows me to expose truth in the arena of injustice towards the poor. That is, truth that would not otherwise be exposed through main-stream mediums. Thus, my charismatic background becomes of use.

In most every American city there is a US government funded agency known as MHMR (Mental Health/Mental Retardation) or something similar to MHMR. From an outsider's point of view, MHMR helps those who have mental problems by means of free and/or affordable counseling and/or medication. But from a secret agent's point of view, MHMR is a mass conspiracy operation by the US government to sedate the masses of "undesirables" which keeps the recipients and their endless needs hidden from the middle and upper classes, thus raising the "quality of life" in society. My own cynical by-line for this is: "MHMR - your tax dollars at work...doping up the masses".

In my early days of agenting (6 years ago) one of my big surprising discoveries was a vast subculture of society I'll nickname The Moles. Most of The Mole culture was inadvertently created by MHMR. The Moles usually possess two or more of the following qualities:

-they have no employment
-receive some sort of monthly government check (but they're not elderly)
-often came from a wealthy family
-were perpetually on MHMR-provided meds (usually depressants that kept them down and therefore less active in society)
-had strong addictions and vices
-hunker down in low rent apartments like air conditioned gypsies avoiding day light...and you rarely see them.

There's dozens if not hundreds of these folks. And they're all friends with each other. Their monthly routine was as follows:

- 1st of the month: get paid and get free meds
- stay doped up and/or drunk for the first 2-3 weeks and spend all their money.
- on the 3rd or 4th week come out of their apartments like squinty-eyed rodents looking for food and various assistence from churches, etc.
- next month...start all over

Many of my best friends in the old 'izzy' days were Moles. Most of them are dead now. The mix of meds, alcohol, and drugs lead to a short life span. Some of them came to know the CEO and my friend Jesus as they allowed us to conduct secret operative studies in their mole bunkers. But the mole lifestyle kept a strong grasp on them.

Lord, I miss them.

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