Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Church sign prayer

Dear God,

Is it a sin to poke fun at church signs? I know that the church is your bride so it's probably not good to make fun of her. Or even gently nudge her in the side and ask, "what the heck are you thinking?". I also know that poking fun of things usually demonstrates a lack of understanding of the item being made fun of. Which is my point. I don't understand church signs. Are they a form of evangelism? Like a cute, whimsical Hallmark card way to show people the truth and realness of your son (my friend Jesus)? Do they work? Has someone been lead to Christ and eternity with you from a "Wal-Mart's not the only saving place" schtick? There's all kinds of evangelism I don't personally care for, like passing out tracts. But I've actually heard of people coming in relationship with you from a goofy piece of paper they found in a public restroom - so I have no right to criticize tracts since they work...somewhere. Please tell me that these marquee messages are just a fad. Maybe they'll fade away in due time. Since my wife & I and some friends worship you in our homes should we rent a marquee sign for our frontyard? And what should it say? How would the handful of illiterate neighbors benefit from this?

Thank you for being a loving father and putting up with me and my nonsense. - Agent B

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