Tuesday, April 11, 2006

what if...

...churches quit building bigger facilities with bank loans and instead went into debt to feed people?

...people gave their best to the poor instead of their leftovers or second best?

...church pastors and head ministers no longer had their name and face on signs, billboards, brochures, newspaper stories, TV, etc?

Just thinking...


Jason said...

God would be the Boss, the CEO, if you will. You know, "His Kingdom come, His will done on earth as it is in the Company . . ."

miller said...

yikes, you're talking about the end of the world as we know it...

Mike Murrow said...

dude the poor you will always have with you. but what jesus really wants is a fancy sanctuary filled with candles and video screens and a mauve carpet - cause that will attract the postmoderns.


but for reals. if we did that then we might actually encounter God and that ain't something people want - that is why we go to church - to keep God at arms length.

Agent B said...

Maybe I should write a post on this (I'm sure I already did somewhere)...

I don't get it anymore. I haven't for years. I finally decided to listen to what the CEO was telling me and stop going with the flow.

1)How can groups of believers (churches) spend lots of money on fancy buildings that's used only 2-3 times a week? And used for just a meeting? That's an incredible waste.

I'm not big on debt but I think I'd be willing to take out a loan to feed people. Like for a cafe type place used throughout the week. Now if I could just convince these banks that I can pay my bills even though I have no documented income...

2)I've never understood the giving our crappy stuff to the poor. Has anyone ever imagined themselves on the receiving end? What would you want to receive? That dogged out winter coat from the early 70's? Or a new Parka from Academy?

3)Ever since I went into hiding, thus the Agent relocation program 3 year ago, trying to be somebody "known" or even "famous" made no since. I know the CEO paces some in influencial ositions for subversive tactics. Joseph in Genesis comes to mind. But so much of church culture revolves around big-name people preaching, authoring books, speaking at conferences, and marketing themselves.

Just a bunch of random, late night comments.

I always appreciate everyone's comments. Thank you for stopping by.