Thursday, December 22, 2005

testimony #004

We received an anonymous card without a return address in the mail. It was post marked from here in the fair mother city. Inside was an encouraging note and a rather sizable gift card to a local store. In attempts to protect myself from "receiving my reward" before its time, I must refrain from mentioning the details that make this bizarre, if not ironic, or better yet...strait from the CEO himself. Chalk this up under "reap what you sow"...

And tonight, in a flash moment of realization that the CEO has provided all we need for this month (and then some), and in the thought process known as "what the hell?", the family & I decided at the last minute to go out to eat. This is a very rare treat. I haven't had a meal out since Jeff & Kellie's lunch treat in Lubbock last month, and before that probably since Dad visited us in September. So we go to our all time favorite local Chinese dig...owned, cooked, and operated by a REAL Chinese guy who studied in 5 culinary regions of China. All I can say is...mmm mmm duck. Oh...and thank you Lord.

1 comment:

james said...

Glad to hear your provisions have been met. Very glad to hear it indeed!