Tuesday, December 13, 2005

the Muller files...

I'm getting more & more into the George Muller biography. Which is funny as I'm a slow reader. And this book is horribly written. But as an agent, I appreciate the "just the facts, ma'am" writing style. I think Roger Steer simply pasted together a 320 page timeline of Muller's journal writings. And this is a very good thing because I don't think miracles from the CEO need any dramatization. Just the facts, ma'am.

I was very encouraged by today's reading. Basically, Muller got these ophanages up and running on little money. The years between 1838 and 1846 were the greatest trials of faith. Money came at just the right moment each and every time. Sometimes it seemed delayed. Yet every orphan had no clue of the financial issues as each were clothed well and ate very well.

From page 88: " Muller's journal often hints at, but rarely attempts to analyze, why it was that God allowed this period of trial".

Muller says "...but only for the trial of our faith, our gracious Lord delays as yet, to send larger sums.' Muller saw a purpose in the trial similar to that in the Old testament story where God tested Abraham by telling him to offer Isaac as a burnt offering on the mountain in Moriah. In one sense, the period was a test of Muller's obedience, and a time when his character was molded-prepared, in fact, for his life's work." (italics mine).

Being prepared for his life's work. That's exactly where I feel I'm at now.

My favorite passage on page 89, as quoted by the manager of one of Muller's orphan homes: "...the years of trial were 'designed by the Lord to deepen Mr. Muller's faith and to show him that prayer is no vain thing. Many years afterwards he faced his financial trials with scarcely a tremor".

Scarcely a tremor. That's where I want to be. Or at least start a cool band with that name.


Anonymous said...

Agent B, I will a roadie with a band named "Scarcely A Tremor"
agent c

Anonymous said...

Agent B, I will be a roadie with a band named "Scarcely A Tremor"
agent c

it pays to read your post first!