Wednesday, January 25, 2006

The Table report #004: the waiting game

Perhaps my timing is way off on this whole venture. I don't know.

As stated here, I desire for The Table's groundwork be laid solid in 2006. Perhaps this is not the CEO's plan. But like those guys in John 21, I feel stupid having a desire and just sitting on it while I wait for something to fall out of the sky. Like verse 6, maybe Jesus will suddenly appear and show me where to throw my net.

As stated here last week, I found what I think is a killer location. Even though I don't have a dime to even rent a place right now, it doesn't cost anything to look. So I took action:
1) Called number on rental sign. Left message (I think). No reply
2) Called again 2 days later. No reply.
3) Went into agent overdrive. Looked up property records online. Found name of owner and a PO Box.
4) Did web search of owner. Found their place of employment and work phone #.
5) Called place of employment. That person no longer works there.

So what the flippin freak do I gotta do to see this joint?!? I figured I could send a letter to that PO Box or tape a note to the door of the property. But Agent Wife thinks I'm being obsessive about the whole deal.

I guess I shouldn't share with her my idea to bust into it with a crowbar in broad daylight...that'd get someone's attention.


Anonymous said...

Is there a property next to the one you are interested? If so, you might contact that owner to see if there has been a death and lingering will battle in the family. You never know. The CEO can do better than the crowbar. A lot of things crumbled with praise. Timing is everything. The CEO could be protecting you right now from a faulty structure or something. Things look one way on the outside but another when you get in it. What you want is good. Do not give up.

Agent B said...

Actually, the property I'm interested in IS next door to the rental sign. So I'm not even sure this joint's available. One of my many questions.

Anonymous said...

There is a consistent theme of anonymous giving and doing things for the good of the community, following the CEO's voice. In keeping with that I think it would be appropriate for the agent b to set up a way for people to give towards the work he is doing in an anonymous way to help with operating expenses, setting a foundation for the table.

Agent B said...

I don't know about that, anonymous.

I struggle with that very subject. I have a huge respect for the faith of George Muller (discussed throughout the last 2 months on this blog). Muller refused to tell *people* his financial needs. He only went to the CEO. And thus, when the CEO provided, he knew it was from HIM and not the result of his own manipulation.

I use to play the game. You know: give to ME so I can help THEM, etc. I'll send you cute newsletters with my picture on them of me doing neat stuff, etc.

The game is all faithless bull shit. I don't play the game anymore. Sometimes I fear that this blog can be a subtle continuation of that game. Thus I try to remain anonymous (like you). But some know who I am...

The CEO knows my desires for The Table as well as my needs personally. He will provide whether it be through another human or god knows what. I don't want to manipulate people for my needs and desires anymore.

Anonymous said...

Maybe not so much obsessive as overly stalking, but that is what makes you a great profiler and agent as opposed to me, the socialite ;) To me it's more a dance, cast a net, then wait a bit and see if you get a bite. If you keep pulling in the net real quick to check if anything is there, the fish won't have time to respond. I think the book says something about pulling up the plant to see if the roots are established yet, instead of waiting and trusting that it is growing underneath, where it can't be seen.