I'm reporting this on the fly with little thought or deep meaning behind it. But anyway, I am thankful to the CEO of the universe who has once again given me an identity after many long years in the desert.
I am also thankful for my Jedi Master and Chuckie who have been beyond instrumental in my training of such endeavors.
I am thankful for Agent Wife and all three offsprings who are extremely supportive of my new found work and semi-passion.
And I will always be thankful for Nat Sherman "Nats" cigarillos and Victory Storm King Imperial Stout - the best beer I've found yet.
The Jedi Master will help me shop for a second house next week. I'm looking forward to doing this again (take THAT "recession").
Thanks for reading and for your interest.
Well done good and faithful servant! Jesus
Nice job! Man that house looks nice!
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