Sunday, June 08, 2008

evang-e-droppings #015

There was a new junior agent who assisted on the Evang-e-droppings eradication operation this weekend. He seems uninterested in social-club faith and very interested in realty dealings with affordable housing as the primary objective. Sound right up my ally.

In addition to the above average number of tracts collected (51), we also found: half a sheet of first-class “forever” stamps, and a $20 bill, which we split.

As stated before: who says agent work doesn’t pay?

We ran into Jones and got to talk to him briefly. I’ve only met him one other time way back in October.

The new junior agent asked me a good question: why do I pick up tracts? Or what makes me want to pick them up?

It’s a fair question and one I ask myself often. But I never know how to answer it. I guess I collect them because, no one else does. Or, the messy litter of evangelical aftermath is a lousy testimony. Or better yet, I’m embarrassed of the printed messages that people read on these, so the fewer that read them, the better.

Or all of the above.

I don’t know exactly why I continue with this operation. I do enjoy the outing. And when I’m out collecting alone, it’s decent communication levels are clearer to the CEO had I stayed home with two toddlers. So it goes.

I guess I’ll keep at it until something freezes over.

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